They say that you always have to keep moving forward and that’s how we like to do things in our translation agency. That’s why we’ve taken this opportunity to give you some translation tips that will help you improve professionally, whether you are an entrepreneur, employee or freelancer. Would you like to hear them? Keep reading!

Translation tips to gain more visibility

1. More international visibility.

One of the main translation tips is that languages always expand borders and help improve international visibility. Don’t get left behind! You can always start with a website translation.

2. Use professional translations.

You want people to be talking about you, but for the right reasons. Forget about the fast and clumsy translations produced by Google Translate (or read more about Google translation errors) and use a translation company in London to ensure that the work is good quality.

3. Be precise when placing orders.

The more detailed the instructions you give to professional translators, the better their work will be. Good communication should be a feature of any job, so make sure you do it!

4. Think about which languages interest you most.

There is no point in translating for the sake of it. Perform a market study on where your audience comes from and how best to reach them through languages.

Translation tips to help improve your content

5. Specialise and improve your content.

Are you involved in medicine? Then you’ll need a medical translation! Always look for the best professionals since using a specialist will make your content much better.

6. Always go over the texts to be translated.

Before sending a document for translation, it’s a good idea to go over the text again. It’s much easier to make changes before the translation is done than afterwards.

7. Consider the space required for each language.

Writing in German is different from writing in English. Thinking about the space required for each language is a useful step when producing brochures or improving web positioning.

8. Be careful about keywords.

As the name suggests, keywords are key. The most searched for keywords in Spanish may not be the most popular in English. That’s why a keyword study is necessary.

9. Check all your links carefully.

If you have a website in different languages, make sure that when you are in the French version, for example, the internal links do not lead to the page written in Spanish.

This will help you succeed internationally

10. Optimise the content.

Optimise your content for search engines, whether in Spanish, English, French, Chinese or any other language of use for your business.

11. Customise your brand.

Customise your brand to reflect the message you want to convey to specific audiences. What goes down well in the UK might not work in France.

12. Provide examples of previous work.

Make it easier for professional translators by providing examples of previous translations you’ve had done.

13. The impossible happens.

Translation is one of the very few activities where the impossible happens as a matter of principle.

14. Accounting reports for more transparency.

Make your company more transparent internationally with the translation of your annual accounts.

Build customer loyalty with languages

15. Social media in several languages.

If your brand is on the social media and you sell internationally, make sure your international clients also find out what you are sharing on the social media. Translation of social media will help you.

16. Build loyalty by translating your blog.

Improve the loyalty of your blog readers by having it translated into several languages. That way, you will also improve your web positioning.

17. Travel through translation.

Translating is like taking a trip through a foreign country. Don’t forget that.

18. The text must be appealing in all languages.

Professional translators will help you make your texts appealing, whether they are written in Japanese or Russian.

19. Four eyes are better than two.

A translation agency like Okodia, certified with ISO quality standards, will always guarantee the quality of your projects.

20. Sworn translation is useful for professional purposes.

For example, a certified translation is required when people take a course overseas and then need to prove to the public authorities back home that they have obtained that particular qualification. This special translation is also very useful on a professional level.

21. Impress your audience.

The translation should have the same impact on its target audience as the original did on the people who read it.

22. The more you translate, the cheaper it becomes.

Translation agencies in London such as Okodia work with translation memories, so the more you translate with them, the cheaper it becomes. This is because they offer a discount where text has already been translated in earlier documents.

23. Have a single manager for all your projects

This results in better communication and you won’t have to deal with lots of different managers for your projects. At Okodia we make that possible.

24. Don’t be afraid to succeed internationally

Let your imagination fly and turn your dreams into reality. Professional translation will help you succeed. Shall we get going?

Rocío González

Author Rocío González

More posts by Rocío González
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