Okodia, translation services in London

“Professionals in every way. We trust this translation agency in London , as they do a good job quickly, without causing any problems. We do not hesitate to work with them whenever we need their services.”

Sara EgeaCP Works
  • Experienced native translators
  • Reasonable and transparent prices
  • Guaranteed quality control
  • Timely and delay-free deliveries

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    translation services in London, Translation agency in London
    translation services in London, Translation agency in London
    translation services in London, Translation agency in London
    translation services in London, Translation agency in London
    translation services in London, Translation agency in London
    translation services in London, Translation agency in London

    Is your business based in London? Do you live in the capital? Are you looking for a translation agency in London? You are in the right place. Okodia Translation Services is a translation company in the UK with years of experience in document translation. Your success is our success too, so it is time to find out what we can do with our professional translation services!

    Your success is our success too, so it is time to find out what we can do with our business translation services! Thanks to our extensive network of professionals, we can offer you our services in a large number of languages ​​and specialties.

    We provide the best translation services in London. We place too much emphasis on the importance of knowing the culture of the source language, since it is essential to achieve an appropriate and total adaptation of the text to the desired language, considering the message and the richness of the original text.

    Reasons to choose a translation company in London

    There are countless translation agencies in London. However, the difficulty comes in finding the right translation services provider for you. We can give you good reasons to choose our translation company and its translations are undoubtedly just what you need for your business or project.

    First of all, we find the wide range of specialties and language combinations that a translation agency in London offers. The client will have the facility of being able to contract any type of translation commission from a staff of professional translators, each one specialized in a totally different field of language. Within the staff of a translation agency there are not only the translators, there are also the reviewers, who are in charge of taking the last look at the translation and guaranteeing the highest quality and writing style in all translations. Reviewers are a fundamental pillar in the translation process and, for this reason, they are present in translation agencies.

    Document translation services in the UK

    Working with a translation agency is the best option for your company. It means that you can expect to receive a high-quality, error-free translation. Make sure that you research the matter well before choosing your translation services provider. You will need to work with a translation company that you can trust. Otherwise you could have serious problems with your trading partners.

    Translation agency London for any business sector

    The best choice for your company when working with foreign partners and customers is to use a professional translation company for the business. Working with a reliable translation agency in the UK means having a high-quality translation delivered on time. This is the way to ensure that your business communication is a success.

    In our UK translation company we have a department specialising in the translations in greatest demand in the booming e-commerce sector. If you have an online store, a corporate website, a blog or are thinking about internationalising your products and services in other countries online, you will need a language partner who understands the main programming languages and the most commonly used CMS and that has a thorough understanding of SEO, an issue of great importance for our translation agency in London due to the essential nature of organic positioning on Google, Bing and other search engines.

    Translation services in London you may need

    If your website is written in a language other than English, you should think about translating the website so that more people know about your company overseas. Given that your website is your identity and also the best way of telling people about your products and services, you should maximise the number of people who can use it. Unfortunately, that won’t be possible if your website is just in Swedish, for example, as only 10 million people in Sweden will understand it. Think about how many more people you could reach if you need to translate Spanish to English document, for example.

    In this case, just as when you need a technical translation in London, a medical translation or a certified translation, to give just some examples, it is essential to use the translation services of a professional translation agency like Okodia.

    Translations require a degree of specialization and being bilingual does not guarantee that a person can translate, in the same way that having two hands does not guarantee knowing how to play the piano. Translating from one language to another is a discipline that requires enormous linguistic skills, as well as an intimate understanding of the country, culture, and industry for which translation is intended. In other words, a quality translation must have the correct terminology, proper use of industry jargon, and a writing style that is fluent and grammatically correct. The text has to be adapted to the target audience, taking into account cultural differences and transmitting the subtleties of one language to the other. In the translation industry, this methodical process is known as localization.

    Professional translator London

    At Okodia we only work with native translators in all the languages around the world, from the most common ones like Spanish, French and German to the not so common ones that are much in demand recently, mainly in the e-commerce and tourism sectors, such as Russian, Turkish, Chinese or Arabic. We also have specialised translators in less demanded languages such as Yoruba, Swahili and Maori, and we have a full team of certified translators in London ready to help with the translations of certified documents.

    Okodia Translation Services in London

        120 High Rd, East Finchley, London N2 9ED, United Kingdom

       +44 20 80 89 0747


       Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.

    Proven experience

    Furthermore, we have real and proven experience in all areas of translation and interpretation: medical and pharmaceutical translation; marketing, sales and advertising translation; translation of cosmetics and natural products; technical translation; legal and certified translation, etc. Our translators are organised into working teams to ensure that we have specialist native translators in each of these translation areas. This is why we are one of the best translation agencies in London.

    Competitive prices

    Are you looking for a high quality professional translation at a competitive price? Think about Okodia. Our company offers very reasonable quotes for translations so that you always get the best value for money.

     We are honest: if you are looking for the cheapest price in the market, you should look for other translation agencies in the UK; but if you are looking for the best quality at a reasonable price, we are what you are looking for. See for yourself. Calculate the return on the investment made in your next professional translation job and order your translation service project in London. We offer you a translation quote without making you wait and the quote will be fair, low, competitive and truly adapted to your real needs. Would you like to try it? We look forward to hearing from you!

    agencia de traduccion en madrid

    Our customers, our greatest asset

    We never get tired of saying that our customers are our greatest asset. They are the ones who recommend us. We have an extensive multidisciplinary customer portfolio: over the years our London office has been adding more and more customers of all sizes, from multinational companies to small and medium-sized companies. 

    We are the preferred translation company of hundreds of small, medium and large companies in a huge range of different sectors. They trust us for four main reasons: we are efficient, quick and flexible, professional and charge reasonable prices. 

    You can rely on us, on Okodia, to ensure that your professional projects are of the desired quality, allowing you to reach a larger number of customers thanks to the professionalism of our London translation company.