The field of translation is constantly evolving, driven by technological advances and changes in market demands. As we move towards an increasingly interconnected world, translation services are evolving to meet the changing needs of companies seeking to expand internationally. What, then, are the possible professional translation trends we could see in the coming year? Pay attention:

Advances in artificial intelligence and machine translation

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing and machine learning are expected to continue to transform the translation sector. Neural Machine Translation (NMT) could continue to develop, leading to improvements in the accuracy, naturalness and fluency of machine translations.

However, it is clear that when it comes to professional translation, AI cannot handle the nuances of a language like a human translator can. Therefore, bringing together the skills of a human translator and the speed of AI through the post-editing of machine translations will be an attractive option., particularly for mass translations that do not require much creativity.

Human-Machine Collaboration

Human-machine collaboration will continue to be a key focus. Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning will also continue to drive improvements in computer-assisted translation tools (CAT tools), strengthening the connection between human translators and AI translation tools while maintaining the human touch in the process.

This will allow translators to work more efficiently and could be one of the most prominent professional translation trends. This synergy will harness the human ability to understand context and culture, combining it with the speed and analytical power of AI.

Specialisation in specific sectors

Translation services will change to meet the needs of each industry, providing more specialised solutions. Based on our experience and latest research, a greater focus on specialised translation is expected in areas such as the following:

1. Localisation of multimedia content

Multimedia content, especially videos, is a key tool for marketing and business communication. Localisation of this type of content will be essential in reaching global audiences effectively. For example, the translation of subtitles is starting to be a necessity for brands, since they increasingly use videos to connect with their users, especially through the social media.

2. Translation for e-commerce and online platforms

With the rise of e-commerce, translating product descriptions, reviews or privacy policies will be essential in attracting new customers in different languages and cultures. It is clear that the future is digital business and it is now easier to reach new markets. However, to do this successfully it is important to localise and translate the e-commerce content. Many companies are aware of this and have already begun to shift their focus towards the online world.

3. Remote interpretation

The demand for remote interpretation in virtual meetings, business events and international communication will continue to grow to support multilingual communication. This is seen as a plus since people can access interpretation services wherever they are, according to their needs, and it also allows interpreters to work remotely.

4. Marketing and advertising translation

Companies will continue to need translation services to internationalise their advertising campaigns, social media content, websites and more in different cultures and markets. From SEO translation (translation of websites considering search engine optimisation) to copywriting translation, companies will be able to improve and enhance their online presence and adapt content to all target markets. Here, transcreation will be your best ally.

5. Localisation of software, video games and applications

With continuous technological advances, software translation will be crucial for technology companies wanting to enter new global markets, especially for the video game and apps industry. Therefore, as products become increasingly popular around the world, companies must ensure that they are available in multiple languages.

6. Integration of emerging technologies

It would be no surprise if the adoption of emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) were to have a significant impact on translation. They could offer more immersive translation experiences, especially in remote interpreting and real-time translation.

Translation trends to follow next year

2024 promises to be a year of significant advances in the translation and localisation industry. While automated tools will continue to evolve, the added value of cultural understanding, contextual adaptation and accuracy that only a human translator can provide will remain essential. This synergy will be key in providing high-quality translations in a constantly changing globalised environment, ensuring effective communication and a successful global presence.

At our translation agency we are at the forefront of professional translation trends and are committed to adopting them to offer linguistic solutions that meet the demands of a constantly evolving market. What are you waiting for? Contact us now!

Andrea Galiana

Author Andrea Galiana

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